Analysis of Knesset Members' Data

Step into a deep-dive analytics project that uncovers the underlying patterns of Israel's political sphere. This initiative offers an enlightening exploration of Knesset Members' data, uncovering intriguing insights about the heart of Israeli politics. Let's embark on this analytical journey together.

Overview - Discovering the Data Realm

Overview - Discovering the Data Realm

Overview - Discovering the Data Realm

Venturing into the intricate world of Knesset Members' data, this extensive data analytics project involved an exploration of numerous facets - from the average age of members to the generation-wise distribution across different cycles.

Data was methodically sourced from the official Israeli Knesset website, laying the groundwork for an automated data extraction process.

The Problem - Negotiating Data Complexities

The Problem - Negotiating Data Complexities

The challenges were multi-dimensional, including the creation of a well-structured dataset from raw, unprocessed data and the development of a Python tool to efficiently extract member data. A significant hurdle was architecting an optimized PostgreSQL database to enable efficient data retrieval and storage.

The Solution - Mastering Analytical Operations

As the lead on this project, my responsibilities were as varied as they were exciting. Donning the cap of a data analyst, I painstakingly curated a dataset from scratch, ensuring the data was clean, validated, and properly formatted. In my role as a graphic designer, I brought the data to life through an interactive chart that highlighted key trends and patterns. The task of extracting data from the Israeli Knesset website was accomplished through my Python prowess, which enabled the successful import of CSV formatted data into an SQL Database for further granular analysis using Excel and R.

Impactful Outcomes Guaranteed.

Impactful Outcomes Guaranteed.

Impactful Outcomes Guaranteed.




  • Highlighting the average age trajectory of Knesset Members over time.

  • Bolstering the efficiency and precision in establishing a comprehensive database of the Israeli Knesset Members.

  • Drastically curtailing the time spent on manual data entry.

  • Enabling the visualization of generational shifts across different Israeli Knesset cycles.

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© Vadim Makeev 2023