Interactive Analysis of Israeli City Density

This project elegantly connects geolocation data with population statistics, illuminating insightful patterns and trends. Step into the world where data meets geography for informed understanding.

Click here to check the interactive map

Overview - Unveiling the Data Landscape

Overview - Unveiling the Data Landscape

Overview - Unveiling the Data Landscape

A comprehensive data analysis and visualization project that required compiling, analyzing, and presenting data related to the density of the 10 biggest cities in Israel.

The project required seamless integration of data from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics and a carefully constructed Location Index dataset that I developed, providing a robust platform for the ensuing analysis.

The Problem - Conquering the Data Peaks

The Problem - Conquering the Data Peaks

The major challenges involved ensuring the accuracy of the location data by cross-referencing it with multiple sources, merging this data with population data, and creating an easy-to-understand interactive map.

The Solution - Navigating to Success

As the sole contributor on this project, I performed the role of both a data analyst and a Tableau developer. I used Tableau to merge location data with population data, and I cross-referenced location data with multiple sources, such as Wikipedia's GeoHack, for accuracy.

I designed the interactive map in Tableau with color-coding and hover-over tooltips to enhance user comprehension.

Impactful Outcomes Guaranteed.

Impactful Outcomes Guaranteed.

Impactful Outcomes Guaranteed.




  • Increased understanding of city density in Israel among users.

  • Improved access to accurate and up-to-date information about local governments in Israel.

  • Achieved a significant increase in user engagement with the interactive visualization compared to previous static maps.

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